Back-Office Support Solutions - How Empaxis Helps

Back-office support is in the Empaxis DNA.

It's how we got started, and it will always remain a core offering.

We've been helping wealth and asset managers improve their operations for over 17 years. Suffice to say, we've seen it all.

So, if you are considering outsourcing back-office functions, here are some reasons to partner with Empaxis.

How Empaxis Delivers in Back-Office Support

We Are The Plumbers for Investment Operations

That's how we view ourselves: plumbers for your back office.

We make sure the operational pipes are functioning normally.

You need the data to flow properly into your systems, as well as accurate reconciliation and performance. We specialize in those very tasks, among other things.

Learn more about Empaxis outsourcing services.

Like the work a plumber does, what we do is relatively thankless. You don't call your plumber and say, "Hey, great job! The toilet flushes really well this month."

Similarly, we don't expect congratulations when things function as expected.

You only call when there's a problem, and we don't want there to be problems. For that reason, we focus on quality and nailing down the processes, as mentioned below.

Focus on Back-Office Quality Control and Documentation

There is a spelled out plan, from start to finish, for how we complete all your processes. We'll either create documentation or follow yours, modifying things along the way.

By doing this, we ensure the work is done accurately while minimizing the risk for errors.

On top of that, we built a quality assurance system to check that all procedures were followed.

As examples, our quality assurance assurance system helps ensure:

  • accounts are reconciled
  • securities are defined properly
  • pricing is correct
  • systems data is backed up

Everything we do is methodical. As mentioned before, we don't want the phone calls. Empaxis back-office support is about making things smooth and simple for you.

Interested to learn more? Let’s have a conversation.

Optimizing and Automating Functions Across Your Investment Firm

It's not enough to just do the work. You can't do things the same way forever.

When it comes to your back office processes, we always look for better ways to get things done.

If there's a way to automate steps, we will. And if there's a way to leverage technology to get the work done more efficiently, we will do that, too.

In fact, we created an automation guide that includes up to 20 workflows Empaxis can automate, including:

  • report generation
  • data management
  • private equity statement processing

Because we focus exclusively on improving wealth and asset management operations, we've developed greater efficiencies around such processes. We do it in a time- and cost- efficient manner, and we pass the savings on to you.

Flexible and Customized Approach for Back Offices

Empaxis serves investment firms of all types.

Our back-office solutions work for new firms just getting off the ground, as well as for large and well-known institutions.

Unlike other providers, we don't fit you into a box. We build solutions according to your unique requirements.

What's more, we're systems-agnostic. This means we work with any systems you're using, further highlighting our flexibility and ability to accommodate you.

Wealth and Asset Managers Trust Us Because of Our Transparency

Don't just take our word for it. Access our case studies, and see what Empaxis clients have to say about us.

In addition, we welcome third-parties to come in and verify our practices.

Because we do things right from the start, we treat as audits are our friend, as they confirm everything we do to be correct.

As a result, we pass with flying colors, holding ISO and SOC audits reports and certifications in hand.

Most recently, we received our ISO 22301 certificate, which "specifies requirements to implement, maintain and improve a management system to protect against, reduce the likelihood of the occurrence of, prepare for, respond to and recover from disruptions when they arise."

Empaxis Can Help

A tried and trusted back-office support provider like Empaxis gives you the assurance you're in good hands.

We are longtime experts who focus on quality, and we continuously improve. Furthermore, we have wonderful clients and third-party auditors who can vouch for us.

When working with us, you benefit from our years of experience. More specifically, it means cost savings, efficiency, and scalability for you.

Ultimately, we want you to focus on what you do best, and we'll take care of the rest.

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