Breakaway Advisors & Startup RIAs

Outsourcing technology & operations for independent RIAs

Empaxis clients - breakaway advisors & startup RIAs

Start your new RIA with confidence

Going independent and starting your own RIA is both exciting and rewarding. While the sky’s the limit, starting any business comes with challenges. As a newly independent financial advisor, there’s so much more to do than merely investing and gathering assets.

Some tasks may be outside your areas of interest or expertise, like setting up an operations and technology infrastructure from scratch. If you’re not careful, your overhead costs will get out of control. The good news is you don’t have to do it alone. We’ve helped many breakaways and startups like you build a solid foundation for their middle- and back-office.

Contact us

Benefits of outsourcing as a breakaway advisor or startup RIA

  • Cost savings: Keep your operations and technology costs to a minimum.
  • Scalability: Be prepared for the future growth that comes your way.
  • Flexibility: We work according to your requirements and timelines.
  • Peace of mind: Our clients love knowing everything is handled for them.

Want to talk? Let's explore your options with a complimentary consultation.

Empaxis investment operations statistic
Percent of North American advisors who lost business because they lacked appropriate technology tools to interact with clients.
-Broadridge survey
Webinar: How to leverage FinTech in Asset Management, Family Offices and RIAs — featuring Empaxis CEO Stephen Van de Wetering

Empaxis outsourcing services for breakaways & startups

We’ve already hired and trained the talent for you.

Finding the right hire is a huge effort, and there’s no guarantee they stay a long time. Empaxis has a team of trained middle- and back-office experts who can get started faster than a traditional hire.

Need help with reconciliation or performance reporting? We have the resources to get it done.

We follow best practices, develop documentation and quality control checks.

At Empaxis, we’ve been honing our craft in investment operations for 18 years, and we’ve nailed it down to a science. We’ve figured out ways to be more efficient in middle- and back-office processes.

In addition, we’ve documented our processes and built the quality control tools. This ensures continuity and accuracy in deliverables.

We leverage automation and cloud technology to the fullest and manage it for you.

As part of our efficiencies, we make full use of automation tools. If the work is both manual and mundane, Empaxis can automate it and manage the bots thereafter.

Don’t waste your time and money building your own system or purchasing systems that could be ineffective or incapable of integrating well with others.

Let’s have a conversation

Want to learn more? Curious to find a better way to handle your procedures and cut your costs? Whether you’re ready to get started or simply exploring options, let’s chat. There’s no charge to you.

Meet with Empaxis

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