What are your fee structures?

Our fee structures are based on volume and complexity. To give an accurate pricing structure, we would have a discovery call, and then we will present you a structure suited to your firm’s requirements.

What portfolio accounting systems do you work with?

We are systems-agnostic. We can work with any portfolio accounting system.

For investment managers looking to move away from legacy systems or software that simply isn’t getting the job done, we have created a cloud-based, turnkey asset management platform called TAMP1.

Whatever system you choose to use, we are able to help.

How do you calculate performance?

Time weighted return, internal rate of return, and the Modified Dietz method are the ways we can calculate performance. We will calculate the performance according to your requirements.

What types of securities do you work with?

We generally work with public equities (stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds) and fixed income (corporate bonds, government bonds, and mortgage-backed securities). In addition, we work with alternative investments (hedge funds, private equity, and venture capital). In short, if you own an asset, we can work with it.

At what time do you deliver the daily recon reports?

We deliver the reports when you need them. Typically, our clients need the reports delivered before the market opens, and that is what we are prepared to do. Ultimately, it’s your decision.

How long does it take to migrate to TAMP1?

Depending on the system you are currently on and how much history you have, your migration can take as little as three months.

The reports we need are highly customized. For example, we manage a lot of SMAs. Our firm does not have a one-size-fits-all approach. How flexible and confident is your firm in handling our requirements?

Customization is what we do. We are no stranger to SMAs and catering to our clients’ unique needs. As we keep close contact, we will gather all data and knowledge points necessary to provide a high degree of customization.

How do you handle QA (Quality Assurance)?

We follow Six Sigma best practices for keeping track of defect rates, onetime performance and turnaround time. We have developed quality control tools and checks around your processes as well.

How can we monitor the work you are doing?

We work with you to come up with audits reports to see and control all that we are doing.

What are your hours of availability, and would there be a primary point of contact for us in case we have a question or request?

We are available 24/7. As our client, you will have a designated Empaxis team member and backups to contact directly via phone or email. Our team will be available for the times you need them available. We have a ticketing system in place to ensure that clients’ needs and requests are tended to in a timely manner.

Our assets are custodied at Schwab, TD Ameritrade, Fidelity, and BNY Mellon. Does your firm work with these custodians?

Yes, we work with all of them. In fact, we handle assets custodied at 1,600+ custodians and banks.

I am interested in automation. What are some processes you automate?

Billing, onboarding, private equity and hedge fund statement processing, and internal reporting document management are some of the processes we have helped automate for other firms.

We can simply set up the bots for you or manage the entire process (setup and maintenance).

How do you handle disaster recovery and Business Continuity Planning?

Empaxis has developed detailed, actionable steps in response to emergency crises, and our plans are in line with industry standards, as we are SSAE18 and ISO-27001 certified, in addition to being audited by Ernst and Young.

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