10 Things Execs Lose by Not Outsourcing Their Back-Office Operations

Back-office operations is an important function, but also an expense for RIAs. As costs continue to rise, the cost of not outsourcing is too great to ignore.

Ever feel like you missed an opportunity? Bought too late? Sold too soon?

Those feelings are excusable. After all, nobody can win them all. Even the best investors have their "could've, would've, should've" stories.

What’s inexcusable is avoiding the low-hanging fruit: cost savings with back-office operations outsourcing.

RIAs have a lot to gain by grabbing the fruit in front of them. Here are 10 things you are missing out on by not making this easy decision.

Back-Office Outsourcing Benefits for Operations: What RIAs Lose Without It

1. Back-Office Cost Savings

As mentioned above, there are real opportunities to save.

With inflation still high and a tight labor market, wealth and asset managers must find ways to cut costs.

Doing the work in-house, think of all these expenses, beyond labor itself:

  • benefits
  • vacation time
  • sick days
  • training
  • backup resources
  • recruiting and hiring
  • office space + desks and devices

With outsourcing, you avoid all these costs. And when investment firms outsource to Empaxis, they save on average 30% in operations costs each year, with some clients saving as much as 50%.

Now if you plan to hire internally, do it where it generates the most revenue and where humans are needed most.

2. Opportunities to Make More Money

It's not just about saving money. There is a correlation between outsourcing and increased revenue.

And outsourcing is best for non-core, non-revenue generating functions.

Back-office functions are the perfect candidate for outsourcing because those activities are typically non-core and definitely never revenue-generating.

Simply put, firms lose that opportunity to earn more without back-office outsourcing.

3. Better Night’s Sleep

Back-office work is best performed early in the morning when custodian and trade data is first available, but most people don’t want to be up and in the office at 4 AM.

Back-office outsourcing specialists can run the reports while you and the team sleep, and they will have the reconciliation reporting completed before the market opens.

At Empaxis, we're available 24/7 and begin the reconciliation reporting as soon as the trade data is available.

4. Not Sweating the Details

Let someone else do the worrying so you don’t have to!

Managing the data, the data feeds, the pricing files...

Running the software, generating the reports...

Handing over these processes to an operations outsourcing provider is the better option. They'll handle the nitty gritty of the back office so you don't have to.

5. Better Quality of Work

Back-office outsourcing services providers invest more in quality controls and best practices than a typical COO or CFO would invest in their operation.

Operations is just one area of focus for a wealth and asset management firm, whereas an outsourcing specialist focuses exclusively of investment operations.

With the concentrated focus and resources, it's only natural that the third party will produce better quality of work, faster and at a lower cost. Take advantage.

They can even help you automate your workflows, like Empaxis can.

Check our Automation Guide for RIAs to see what you can streamline.

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6. Leverage

Back-office services providers not only relieve you of doing non-core tasks, but you get a team of people who have experience with many different operations. This team gives you a deeper set of capabilities to draw upon to help you solve your operational needs rather than a small internal group, focused solely on one company.

7. Better Use of Existing Employees

When you outsource non-core work, your team can work on tasks that provide more value for your company, and in turn, employees know their work is meaningful. The result is people more satisfied with their work and more likely to stay working for you longer.

8. Flexibility to Your Labor Adjustments

Sometimes your business is booming and other times it’s contracting.

In a ramp up, you pay to hire, and during a ramp down, you feel pain laying off those you paid to hire.

With an outsourcing provider, you avoid the cost and pain. Back-office outsourcers have the resources to adjust to your labor needs with no trouble at all.

9. Always Having Backups

Small and medium-sized investment advisors in particular struggle to provide adequate backup resources when people are out or leave an organization.

By outsourcing, you can still have people do the work internally and have some work done by your provider. If you lose your internal person, the outsourcer is happy to help you with the additional work while you find a suitable replacement for your team.

10. Improved Processes and Workflow

Not every firm is an expert at everything, nor does one have to be.

Partnering with a back-office services provider gives the investment manager an opportunity to re-engineer their overall operational process to a much more efficient workflow. Providers providing services on a flat fee basis are constantly looking for ways to optimize the process.

There are many great reasons not to do things. Making no decision is a decision, and unfortunately it can be costing you. As you can see from above, outsourcing is a quick and easy way to improve your business. It takes some time and effort to set up, but once it is going, you will be reaping the benefits for a long time.

And with your greater attention to what matters most, your clients will be thanking you for it.

Don't Lose Out Anymore

As seen, there's a lot to gain by outsourcing and much more to lose by not doing so.

And the benefits go beyond more than money. Having back-office portfolio accounting experts always there to support you .

And RIAs in increasing numbers recognize these benefits of outsourcing, especially with the right provider.

A FlexShares survey revealed that 95% of RIAs that outsourced have are either "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with their outsourcing solutions.

Your firm deserves that same satisfaction; don't miss out any longer.

Curious to learn more about outsourcing for your firm? Speak with Empaxis.

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