Reasons to Work at Empaxis

Five years ago, when we formed Empaxis Data Management India Pvt. Ltd. (the subsidiary of US-headquartered Empaxis Data Management, Inc.), we had three things in mind:

  • Build a solid company culture
  • Hire excellent people to reflect our culture
  • Serve clients to the fullest by leveraging excellent people we hire

And we've accomplished a lot since then:

  • We've doubled in size
  • Client satisfaction is higher
  • Team members stay with us longer

Though proud, we're not done yet.

At Empaxis, we think big and dream big. To reach new heights, we need people like you.

Whether you're an industry veteran or a recent university graduate, Empaxis offers opportunity at all levels.

I have been with Empaxis for over 15 years, taking on my current role as COO in 2016. I wouldn't be here as long as I have if it weren't truly a special place.

There are many good reasons to join an organization like Empaxis, and I'm happy to share those with you below.

6 Reasons to Work for Empaxis

1. Positive Work Environment

When joining a new company, you want to be sure you like the work you're doing and the people you're working with.

We get it. That's why we make this a place people want to come to, and it starts with the people we hire.

Empaxis hires selfless and motivated team players, people you can depend on.

We not only hire people you can depend on, but also people you can consider as friends. People form long-lasting friendships when they come here, and these friendships last beyond their time at Empaxis.

On top of that, we regularly acknowledge the good work our team does. Large or small, no good action goes unnoticed, and we'll let the entire team know how awesome you are.

Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first.
Simon Sinek, Author and Inspirational Speaker

We are all about positive energy. This is true in the way we openly celebrate success, as well as in the way we give feedback. We believe in constructive comments, as opposed to destructive.

We're a team. We have goals to achieve, and we focus on building people up rather than taking them down.

So, if you want a place where you can focus on your work, be recognized for doing a good job, and work alongside people you like, Empaxis is for you.

2. Career Growth Opportunities

What's nice about working for Empaxis is you have opportunities to learn new skills.

We don't define you by one specific task you're good at. If you have other talents and/or are willing to learn new ones, you'll get those chances to showcase what you can do.

Again, we're a team. Our goals are the same, and a well-trained, versatile staff helps achieve those common goals.

Even if you're a newcomer and/or have limited experience, we're already thinking about the day when you're standing in front of colleagues getting recognition for your achievements.

As long as you are willing to learn and are patient in the process, the opportunities for growth and even promotion will come.

We're a global company, and we thrive in the era of globalization. At the same, globalization only intensifies the competition, and people must constantly advance their skill sets.

Empaxis understands, and that's why we provide training on new systems and ways of doing things. It's also the reason we offer team members opportunities to work on different projects and trying something new. It helps us, and it helps you professionally long term.

3. Open Door Policy

You are only one call or message away from anyone in the organization, and that includes our CEO.

If you have a great idea or there is something that needs to be addressed, you can directly contact anyone in our team.

What's more, this is not a company where you refer to senior staff as "Sir" or "Madam."

At Empaxis, it's a first-name basis with everyone, and that includes me, our CEO, our Executive Vice President, and anyone else.

Yes, we have formal leadership roles, and team members should respect the rules and decisions made by leadership.

At the same time, leadership should be approachable, and we make it approachable by eliminating hierarchical language.

We want a genuinely transparent and comfortable environment for all employees, and communicating on a first-name basis achieves just that. Questions, feedback, and ideas flow more freely in this kind of environment.

4. We Get the Best of All Worlds

Empaxis is a company that doesn't define or limit itself by borders.

Our workforce is global, our clientele is global, and our mindset is global.  

Whatever methods work best to get things done, whether those methods are "American" or "Indian", we embrace them all.

If you are looking for that kind of international environment, this is your place.

For Empaxis India team members, you will have opportunities to advance your English communication skills as you interact with colleagues and clients around the globe.

For US and UK team members, you too will get that international experience, including working alongside your Indian team members and experiencing Indian culture.

5. Promotion of Work-Life Balance

We value the contributions of our staff, and there are times they go above and beyond the call of duty.

For that, they deserve a much needed break.

A healthy and happy workforce is in our best interest; we can't let burnout ruin something good.

Burnout is not to be taken lightly. Even the World Health Organization acknowledges the dangers of burnout.

That's why we encourage all team members to use their allotted time off.

  • Spend time with family
  • Travel
  • Pursue your hobbies and passions

Do whatever it takes to take your mind off work and recharge the batteries.

After all, you're human, not a drone!

6. Competitive Compensation, Benefits and Perks

Companies that invest in the employee experience are four times as profitable as companies that do not and have more than two times the average revenue.
– Jacob Morgan, 4-time best-selling author

We recognize the importance of investing in our staff. When they're doing well, we do well.

That is why we offer competitive salaries plus benefits, including health insurance and 401k plans.

In addition, top performing team members are eligible for performance bonuses. Every so often, team members will win various prizes, including gift cards, appliances, or even a brand new iPhone.

We also have team-building events, as we have fun get-togethers on Fridays for games, having team dinners, and celebrating holidays.


As a diverse and global organization, we respect the religious and cultural traditions of our team.

That is why we offer flexi-holidays. Whether it's Diwali, Christmas, or Eid, we make sure our team can celebrate those special occasions.

Interested in joining Empaxis?

If this sounds like a place you want to work at, contact us.

We are always looking for talented people who want to make a difference.

For more information about careers, visit our careers page.

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