Message from the New Empaxis President

Empaxis President Samrat Malakar and Founder Stephen Van de Wetering

It is with great pride to announce my new position as President of Empaxis Data Management.  

My journey at Empaxis started 17 years ago when I joined as an Analyst. Over time, my roles and responsibilities increased. From Analyst to Senior Analyst, from Operations Manager to COO, and now President, Empaxis has given me every opportunity to thrive and move forward.

Over these years, I have seen our company grow and transform, seeing everything there is to know and doing everything there is to do in advancing our business.

I’ve had the privilege to work alongside our Founder Stephen Van de Wetering and EVP Doug Moromisato on a daily basis this whole time, and I owe so much to both of them.

Their mentorship is invaluable as they’ve imparted a great deal of wisdom and have supported me every step of the way.  

In my expanded role, I look forward to leading our organization to greater heights.

Empaxis is a special place, and being named President is not just a career highlight, but one of the highlights of my life!

To say I live and breathe Empaxis would be an understatement. This organization is like a home and family to me, and I care deeply about our clients, my team, and the work we do.

To all our investment management clients, we will continue to deliver nothing but excellence.

The Same Empaxis with a New Approach

L to R: Akshat Bhardwaj, Pradeep Deondi, Satyapriya Pradhan, Stephen Van de Wetering, Samrat Malakar, Aditya Nayak, Amish Karanwal

At Empaxis, our mission and promise from Day 1 is to deliver world-class operational excellence for investment managers.  

Our mission will never change. What will change are the ways we deliver on that promise.

And as President, I am responsible for leading overall strategy and driving growth. Part of that strategy includes bringing to light our full range of proven capabilities.

A More Technology-Driven, All-in-One Organization

Empaxis has long been known for middle- and back-office outsourcing. MBO will continue being part of what we do and an area we excel and advance in, but our team’s capabilities extend well beyond that space.

We want to be one place for investment managers’ operational needs, and at the heart of our offerings is digital transformation. Consider Empaxis your Center of Exellence (COE).

The needed human touch and personalized service will always be there, but to truly drive greater efficiency and scalability, technology is key to those developments.

To that end, Empaxis will increasingly leverage machine learning and advanced automation tools in all our processes, reducing points of pain and operational risk.  

A Cost-Friendly, Future-Ready Setup

Samrat Malakar, Stephen Van de Wetering, Doug Moromisato

Many investment firms struggle with rising costs amidst an uncertain market. They need stability and predictability with their expenses, and through the processes laid out in the Empaxis Targeted Operating Model, our approach is designed to lower your total cost of operations.

We do not arbitrarily charge clients on basis points (BPS). Instead, we focus on volume and complexity, which we believe is not only more scientific, but the most desirable option for investment managers.

And in my 17 years here, I can say with confidence that Empaxis has been around the block.

Battle-hardened and battle-tested, we not only survived the 2008-2009 financial crisis and recent pandemic lockdowns, but we thrived.  

Two months before global lockdowns went into effect at the end of March 2020, I spearheaded the development of our Coronavirus Pandemic Readiness Plan. We began transitioning to a remote and hybrid work model, anticipating our team being out of the office for an indefinite period. I am proud to say it was “business as usual” for our clients, as they saw no disruptions or negative impact on their operation.

The pandemic was a truly defining moment for Empaxis and myself as COO, proving that if we can handle this challenge, we can handle anything.

Systems Integration

To take your investment operations to the next level, digital transformation is at the heart of that advancement, as stated before.

Through the following systems integration capabilities, we see ourselves as a one-stop solution for not only investment management operations, but also for software companies who need assistance serving their larger asset management and banking clientele.

Empaxis has the technological capabilities and resources to serve your team in a variety of areas:

  • Investment management platform implementation  
  • Data migration  
  • Custom web portal and application development  
  • Software testing & QA
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

We have successfully carried out countless related projects as our clients have requested, and given our proven experience, we can no longer keep our system integration solutions as merely part of an Empaxis “secret menu.”

Learn more about Empaxis Systems Integration Solutions.

Finance & Accounting

Speaking of secret menu solutions, finance and accounting services is another one of those areas Empaxis does regularly for the clients, most notably for hedge funds and family offices, where the deputy controllers often lack the time and expertise in running the most efficient setup.

Speaking of secret menu solutions, finance and accounting services is another one of those areas Empaxis does regularly for the clients at our space eg for Hedge Funds/Family Offices where deputing Controller on top of their operations may not be cost efficient all the times

Over the years as our clients have strengthened relations with Empaxis, they know our team and capabilities in depth, and they request us to work on additional projects.

The finance and accounting space is one of those places Empaxis has built up a ton of experience in, and we provide services in these areas:

  • Accounts Receivable (AR)
  • Accounts Payable (AP)  
  • General Ledger Accounting
  • GAAP Client Reporting
  • Bank Reconciliations

Learn more about Empaxis Finance and Accounting Services.

The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same

To ensure we deliver on our mission, we have no choice but to change.

And if we don’t change, we are not the same organization you know.

At the heart of all this change, we remain true to the five core pillars of Empaxis:

  • Focus on quality
  • Strive for excellence
  • Believe there is always a better way
  • Take pride in you work
  • Give more than expected

These principles guide our team, and as President, I incorporate these values into all aspects of life: as  Empaxis President, as a husband, as a father, as a son, as a friend, and as a member of society.

We’re Just Getting Started

Andrew Orr, Stephen Van de Wetering, Samrat Malakar

In my 17 years and counting with Empaxis, I have seen the best of our organization, and I feel that investment managers have only seen just a part of our best so far.

And as President, I plan to bring our team’s greatly expanded capabilities to the larger investment management community. For Empaxis to continue its path towards faster growth and development, it is in our interest to make known our full skillsets and competencies.

It is our pleasure to continue providing world-class operational excellence, and investment managers will surely benefit from Empaxis' enhanced offerings and solutions.

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