
End-to-End Process Automation

Empaxis solutions - automation services

Uncovering every opportunity for automation and real impact.

Manual work is no longer serving you or your investment firm—it’s costly, time-consuming, and error-prone. In today’s digital landscape, wealth and asset managers need to be more efficient than ever. It’s time to automate. Empaxis knows how.

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The benefits of investment operations automation with Empaxis

With nearly 20 years of experience exclusively focused on transforming middle- and back-office operations, and UiPath as a strategic partner, we deliver automation and RPA solutions to investment firms around the world. Our experience and expertise translates to impactful and lasting benefits, including:

  • Reduced costs
  • Increased ROI
  • Fewer errors
  • Faster turnaround times
  • Maximum process efficiency
  • Seamless scalability
  • Freed up front-line capacity

Automation solutions for wealth managers and asset managers

Efficiency, speed, and accuracy are the pillars of our operations automation solutions for investment managers. Empaxis produces impact all across your processes:

  • Entering and managing data
  • Calculating fees and producing invoices
  • Generating reports
  • Triggering workflows
  • Leveraging APIs
  • Sending emails and notifications
  • Processing alternative investment statements
  • Downloading statements (private equity, hedge fund, & venture capital)
  • Storing, formatting and renaming files and folders
  • Extracting data from PDFs and emails
Empaxis automation

Getting started is easier than you think

In experienced hands, automating financial services processes is seamless and painless. A partnership with Empaxis means working with the systems you already have in place.

Just a few of the Empaxis advantages:

  • No changes to your existing infrastructure
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to improve data accuracy, supercharge processing times, and end busy work
  • Bots deployment into your existing applications, and periodic maintenance review
  • Documentation for each stage, enabling a clear audit trail and accountability.

Let's talk

Curious to see where there are opportunities to automate and cut costs? Whether you’re ready to get started or simply want to explore what’s possible, let’s chat — there’s no charge to you.

Get in touch today

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