Empaxis: The Team Together Longer Delivers Superior Results

“High turnover is the enemy of progress.” - Stephen Van de Wetering, Empaxis Founder and CEO

If there is anything investment firms appreciate about Empaxis and the results we deliver for their operation, we credit a lot of that success to our team being together for as long as it has.

Compared to industry peers, Empaxis enjoys longer than average employee tenures, especially at our highest levels of leadership:

  • Stephen Van de Wetering - Founder - 2004-present
  • Doug Moromisato - EVP - 2004-present
  • Samrat Malakar - President - 2007-present
  • Satyapriya Pradhan - VP Operations - 2007-present
  • Mridul Aggarwal - Manager, Business Analysis - 2016 -present
  • Mrinmay Sarkar - Manager, Backend and Integration Developer - 2016-present
  • Amish Karanwal - VP Technology - 2017-present
  • Manish Chandra Rahore - Senior Software Developer - 2017-present
  • Rohit Nautiyal - Assistant Manager, Operations - 2017-present
  • Suman Biswas - Assistant Manager, Administration and Accounts - 2017-present
  • Ravi Shankar Patel - Software Engineer - 2018-present
  • Akshat Bhardwaj - Head of Human Resources - 2018-present

We also welcome back previous team members who fit well with our culture and add to our continuity:      

  • Aditya Nayak - AVP Project Management and Client Relationships - 2004-2006, 2022-present
  • Pradeep Deondi - AVP Operations - 2007-2012, 2021-present
  • Andrew Orr - Head of Marketing, 2012-2013, 2015-present  

With years of stability at the top, that translates well to the formation of culture, vision, and team expectations.  

The aforementioned members of our team have had time to learn and grow together.

Those shared experiences — going through trials and tribulations, pushing one’s limits and ultimately succeeding — builds a team chemistry and rapport that cannot be replicated.

And with leadership’s unified stance, it’s easier to pass company values and expectations down the chain of command and get new joiners on board faster with the Empaxis way, leading to more effective execution and implementation of the vision.

So when an investment organization chooses Empaxis, they reap the benefits of the years our team spent together perfecting their craft and building out better target operating models.

Whether it’s daily reconciliation and performance, automation projects, or implementing software, we’ve always found better ways to complete the processes, and we continue to look for even better approaches.

Putting Together an Empaxis Team Built to Last

Stephen and Samrat with Mrinmay Sarkar (Center)

When our Founder Stephen Van de Wetering started Empaxis, he knew that if the company were to succeed, it is important to hire people who stay longer, and more importantly, who are in it for the long haul.  

In his previous role as a consultant with SS&C Advent, he saw how turnover did a number on investment firms in their middle and back offices.  

That’s why he has often stated “high turnover is the enemy of progress.”  

When Empaxis has a team together longer, certainly we can better serve wealth and asset managers affected by turnover themselves, in addition to the myriad of challenges they already face.  

Working with Stephen since I joined in 2018, I can say his leadership style and philosophy have truly set the tone.

With these positive examples at the very top, it is the reason many of our team longtime team members, including myself, remain with the company.

How Empaxis Keeps Employees Longer and Delivers Better Client Performance

1. Acknowledge Your Employees

When people feel recognized for the hard work they put in, they will repay you with loyalty and consistent, solid performance.  

It’s not just about compensation or perks; people want to stay in a place where they feel valued. Feeling wanted and needed are inherent human traits.

So, why stay somewhere that doesn’t show appreciation for the hard work you do?  

2. Take Care of Your Employees

These are highly qualified people on your team that could take their skills anywhere else.  

Take care of them well and combine that with acknowledging their efforts, they will have added motivation to stay with you.  

Empaxis offers competitive compensation plus benefits including health insurance (medical, dental, vision) paid time off, and 401k retirement plans.  

Additionally, we offer flexible work arrangements, performance bonuses, and even company equity to eligible employees.  

When staff are looked after, they will be happier and perform better for their clients.

3. Hire the Right People

It’s one thing to acknowledge and take care of people, but it’s another to make sure you have the right people to begin with.

Yes, you want people who have hard skills in their area of expertise, but soft skills have a role, too.

Hire people who demonstrate a strong work ethic and a desire to learn, are selfless and agreeable in personality, and align with company culture.  

With these soft skill characteristics, you can train someone up to be an expert in almost anything. Furthermore, they work well with others and don’t create “drama” or “office politics,” which distracts and inhibits progress.  

From our experience, when you believe in these kinds of hires, they believe in you… and they stay with you longer.  

4. Give Opportunities to Grow with Empaxis  

Stephen and Samrat with Mridul Aggarwal (Center)

You hire someone and envision them with the organization a long time, but it’s equally important that the hires themselves know they have a future to grow within the company.

Empowerment is huge, and at Empaxis, we make it very clear to our employees that regardless of your position or status, we want you to learn as much as you can. We’ll even invest in your training.  

The more our staff can learn and do, the better it is for our clients who depend on their expertise. Within time, those employees will rise up the ranks and take Empaxis to the next level.  

Our President, Samrat Malakar, is living proof that when you join this organization, the opportunities for growth are endless.

17 years ago, he started as a junior analyst in reconciliation and performance. He never considered himself a genius, but he believed in Stephen and Empaxis’ vision. He believed that if he put in the work and went the extra mile, only good things would come.

Over time, he developed more hard skills, as well as soft skills in leadership and communication, taking on the role he has now.  

Along those lines, I am certain our other longtime team members can share similar stories!

The Secret Sauce Is Known, But It Can’t Be Easily Replicated  

Team chemistry and continuity is our secret sauce, and we’re not afraid to share the recipe because it’s difficult for others to recreate.  

We have extremely talented team members in all areas, and we leverage best-in-class technology to serve investment firms in their operation.

But without chemistry and continuity, our human and technical assets can do very little. You can’t make progress when people constantly come and go, as well as lack good relations with their colleagues.

And we are proud to say that members of our team stay with us longer, especially at the top levels of leadership.  

Just like in sports, the teams that have been together longer outperform those that haven’t. Similarly, teams with the solid and stable leadership outperform the “revolving door leadership.”

As a result, our team’s chemistry and continuity, years in the making, has made it possible for us to serve wealth and asset managers in their operation more effectively.

And that secret sauce, years marinating and perfecting, is available for investment firms to have for themselves when they partner with Empaxis.

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