Hong Kong Family Offices 2024 - Outlook, Trends, Services

Family offices play an important role in Hong Kong as powerful investing entities, and in a competitive and fast-moving Asia, family offices and the assets they possess will hold even greater importance to the city.

As a longtime leading financial hub in Asia, Hong Kong has a lot in its favor, along with the family offices located there.

Access to mature and robust capital markets, a favorable tax and regulatory regime, and ample resources to serve family offices are all available in the territory.

With over 7 million people, Hong Kong has long been a "best of both worlds" where East and West come together.

The former British colony and semi-autonomous region of China offers outsiders access to lucrative opportunities in the region while recognizing Western regulatory frameworks for investing.

Similarly, Hong Kong attracts China’s wealthy who seek access to investment products and opportunities beyond the mainland.

Hong Kong Family Office and Wealth Stats

  • There are roughly 400 family offices in the territory (South China Morning Post), with another 30 added in 2023.
  • The government plans to attract another 200 family offices by 2025.
  • There are 408,000 multimillionaires in Hong Kong, or 1 out of every 14 residents aged 21 to 79. (Citibank)
  • 70 billionaires reside in the territory. (Forbes)
  • The value of private wealth management assets under management in Hong Kong is HKD $9 trillion (USD $1.15 trillion). (Statista)
  • By 2026, more than half of wealth asset inflows into Hong Kong will come from Mainland China. (PWMA/KPMG China)
  • Hong Kong (excluding mainland China) will rank 3rd in millionaire concentration in the APAC region by 2030. (Caproasia)
  • HK has more ultra-high net worth people (12,615) than any other city in the world. (Altrata - World Wealth Report 2023)

Hong Kong Wealth and Leading Financial Center Status in Question

Despite everything in its favor, Hong Kong is no longer the dominant finance hub.

With changing economics and policy-making, the territory faces growing competition in a post-COVID world, influencing where wealthy families keep their assets and set up their family offices.

The Effects of COVID-19

For nearly three years, Hong Kong enforced strict measures against COVID-19, more or less in line with guidelines set for the mainland.

While it kept COVID cases and death rates relatively low, the stringent approach took a toll economically.

Lockdowns, travel restrictions, and lengthy quarantine periods made it harder to conduct business, and many wealthy individuals left as a result.

Even though has since Hong Kong fully reopened, all that time “closed” opened up opportunities for rival financial hubs.

Human and Capital Outflows

Both during and after the pandemic, outflow of people and assets continued.

Earlier in 2023, Hong Kong residents left the territory at their highest rate since the start of COVID-19, including an estimated 3,000 millionaires.

The reasons for departure are many, including reaction to previous lockdown measures, economics (high living costs in HK and increased opportunities abroad), and political preferences.

Rival Financial Hubs in Asia

Pandemics or politics alone cannot explain it alone.

At the time of the 1997 handover, Hong Kong's GDP as a percentage of China's economy was 18.4%. By 2021, that figure dropped down to 2.1%.

And the decline wasn't because Hong Kong became less productive. Rather, mainland China developed so rapidly.

Cities like Shanghai, Beijing, and neighboring Shenzhen have risen as regional and global financial hubs in their own right.

On the other side of the continent, Dubai has become increasingly attractive to wealthy families and investors from around the world.

But arguably the biggest rival to Hong Kong's financial dominance in Asia is Singapore.

HK Capital Outflows to Singapore

If there has been a "winner" in the capital outflow from Hong Kong, it's Singapore.

Hongkongers are moving to Singapore in large numbers, taking their wealth and assets with them. One of our recent posts outlines the reasons why the world's wealthiest are going there.

And all this movement raises the question: Where is Asia's top financial center? Hong Kong or Singapore?

Based on an earlier report, it's now Singapore, ranked 3rd globally and Hong Kong 4th.

Reopening and Recovery

It’s not all “doom and gloom.”

To keep it in perspective, Hong Kong is still ranked 4th as a leading global financial center, and it topped other Asian cities where ultra-wealthy individuals maintain primary or secondary residences, estimated at 15,175 such residents.

The ending of COVID restrictions has been a step in the right direction, as Hong Kong’s economy beat expectations and grew 2.7% after reopening.

To boost the economy, in which tourism plays an important role, the local government offered airfare for up to 500,000 people from around the world to vacation and spend money in the territory.

And it’s not just tourists the government wants. Hong Kong wants more family offices to boost post-COVID growth.

How Hong Kong Attracts Family Offices


With competition from Singapore, Hong Kong political and business leaders know they must step up their game.

Retaining and bringing in new family offices is one area of focus, and the government-run InvestHK has set up a family office division to aid in those efforts.

Stephen Phillips, Director-General of Investment Promotion at InvestHK, shared the following:

"The establishment of our FamilyOfficeHK team is a milestone in InvestHK’s endeavour in promoting Hong Kong as an ideal location in which Hong Kong and overseas-based enterprises can set up a family office presence. I believe that the team will further promote Hong Kong’s unique advantages and offer one-stop services to family offices that are interested in setting up a base in Hong Kong, and consequently reinforce Hong Kong’s position as a prime family office hub in Asia."

Efforts have been made to attract wealthy families in in Europe, the Middle East, mainland China, and the rest of Asia.

And their efforts have already yielded early success.

The team has already helped 14 family overseas family offices set up in Hong Kong in the last year, and another 50 are planned to be set up.

Tax Incentives

In December 2022, legislators introduced a bill providing tax concessions for investments managed by eligible single-family offices

Known as the Inland Revenue (Amendment) Bill 2022, the exempts family-owned investment holding vehicles and their portfolios of special purpose entities from tax on transactions carried out by a Hong Kong-based family office.'

A government state on the bill said the following:

"The multiplier effect of attracting more family offices to set up and operate in Hong Kong could be tremendous, including generating increased demand for financial and related professional services, creating more high-quality employment opportunities, and channelling substantial capital to Hong Kong's capital markets, thus benefitting the economy as a whole.”

Additionally, another incentive is exemption of tax on profits generated from eligible investments by single family offices.

These changes will “make the regulatory regime more flexible, provide focused talent development initiatives, and enhance coordination between the different services that family offices need,” according to Sami Abouzahr, Hong Kong head of investments and wealth solutions at global financial institution HSBC.

Learn more about the tax legislation for family offices in Hong Kong.

Capital Investment Entrant Scheme

Granting permanent residency to wealthy individuals is another way Hong Kong seeks to regain its leading status.

The Capital Investment Entrant Scheme aims to offer fast track residency to people who make an investment of over HK$30 million (USD $3.8 million) in local stocks or assets.

This incentive is not only aimed at the wealthy around the world, but also and in large part aimed at Mainland Chinese.

Victor Ai Kuiyu, executive director of Hong Kong-listed financial firm DL Holdings, shared his thoughts:

“The upcoming Capital Investment Entrant Scheme is going to be very important to attract wealthy customers to set up family offices in Hong Kong. We have seen a lot of clients express interest in moving to Hong Kong via this scheme because it is very simple and easy.”

Other Investing Opportunities

Hong Kong continues to be an ideal investment market in the Asia-Pacific region for family offices because of its "deep liquidity, diversified asset classes and investible products", as discussed in a financial forum organized by the South China Morning Post.

They expect returns to go positive in the latter half of 2023 once the effects of higher inflation and interest rates have subsided.

Grace Tam, chief investment adviser, Hong Kong, and managing director at BNP Paribas Wealth Management, shared the benefits of being established in the city:

"For family offices in Hong Kong, the good thing is that they can access really world-class private-equity and infrastructure funds through private banks and wealth management companies in the city."

Additionally, the city’s close ties with the mainland have enabled it to act as an investment hub into and out of China, enabling businesses to tap into a number of opportunities in the Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macau Bay area and the rest of the region.

Ideal Location for Charity Work

Hong Kong is an ideal place for family offices to manage their charity work, noted according to Alice Chiu Tsang Hok, as she described it as "a transparent market with many financial professionals who can help charities achieve the best returns on donations they receive."

Campden FB also noted Hong Kong's "long and impressive history of philanthropy", a place home to some of the world’s greatest philanthropists. The city has long promoted private investment in welfare and fostering a culture that promotes individual social responsibility.

Services for Hong Kong Wealthy Families

As family offices in Hong Kong maintain their presence and new ones establish themselves, there is increased demand for related services.

While there is certainly qualified to talent serve single- and multi-family offices, there's just not enough of it.

Family Office Talent Shortages

The Family Office Association of Hong Kong (FOAHK) warns of a 'talent gap' that could hinder growth.

FOAHK Chairman and Raffles Family Office founder Chi Man Kwan said that despite a large financial services industry, family offices need to develop specialized staff to excel.

Chi also noted that the growth and staff compensation are big challenges:

"In Hong Kong, …, there is definitely a shortage of talent simply because we are growing - the amount of billionaires that are being born every 48 hours."
"Sometimes it might be tough for [family offices] just to find the right people, and at the same time to afford them, because the costs play a big part as well. These professionals are not cheap."

By the end of 2021, half of all family offices in Asia-Pacific planned on increasing staff over the next year, according to The Asia-Pacific Family Office Report.

The most common reasons for hiring were to expand family office operations (23%), bring more services in-house (14%), and fill gaps in expertise (11%).

As if it was hard enough to keep up with compensation and the sector growing as is, strict COVID-19 measures up until recently didn't help matters, as financial services expat talent and graduates left Hong Kong in response.

The talent shortage for family offices is so pressing that recruiting talent is more important to address than financial concerns like tax domiciling, according to Professor Heinrich Liechtenstein of Barcelona's IESE Business School:

"You need an excellent team. How to attract the best team... is probably the biggest challenge for family offices."

Talent That Knows Technology, ESG

Acquiring family office talent requires “broader and more dynamic skill sets,” in particular around technology.

Patrick Tsang, President of single-family office Tsangs Group, shared his view:

"Technology plays a crucial role in our future development. To attract global investors, Hong Kong needs to provide more support and incentives to talents with the knowhow in areas such as biotech, Web 3.0, fintech, and green tech.”

According to Kwan, family offices’ focus on ESG will require more experience in impact investing, private equity, and managing digital wealth.

Automating and Outsourcing as Options

Recruiting talent and putting together that excellent team is easier said than done, especially with family offices competing for the same limited talent.

With talent shortages and high staffing costs a reality, Hong Kong family offices must be resourceful in their talent acquisition, leveraging a healthy mix of local and international talent.

HK Family Office Digital Transformation

With a strong emphasis on technology, family offices truly need specialized expertise in the space.

Migrating and displaying complex data sets, implementing software, as well as developing and testing  applications are many of the areas that family offices in Hong Kong lack the talent.

Finding and developing in-house talent is one way, but an alternative approach is to hire third-party specialists in family office technology support like Empaxis.  

Cultural Barriers Against Outsourcing; Hiring Family

For a long time, Asia's family offices typically avoided outsourcing, instead preferring to hire relatives and doing so at a higher rate than other markets.

Hong Kong and Mainland China are no exception.

A sense of trust is the reason for this approach, which is understandable to an extent, but if the relative isn't truly qualified for the job they hold, then it's not the most efficient use of resources.

Nick Hayward, director at Campden Wealth, further illustrates the phenomenon:

“The biggest place where is a problem is China, because at the moment, families - particularly one with the patriarch or matriarch still there - insist on hiring people they know over a professional.”

But Attitudes Are Slowly Shifting

The pandemic showed family offices in Hong Kong how important it is to have backup resources, and for that reason, firms are slowly opening up to outsourcing.

Trading is one of those functions being outsourced. Driven by intense competition, new regulation, and a push to streamline costs, family offices have more incentive to partner with third-party specialists.


Reflecting the change in attitudes toward outsourcing in the region, a Hubbis Digital Dialogue post-event survey revealed that a majority (85%) of respondents agreed that a family office should outsource middle- and back-office outsourcing to a third party.

And with this change in attitudes, family offices in Asia and globally turn to Empaxis outsourcing services for their middle and back office..

Outsourcing allows firms typically allows firms to access expertise at a lower cost, while allowing the business to focus on revenue-generating core competencies.

As more and more wealthy families in Hong Kong realize these benefits, they will take adopt the outsourced model for their operation.


Download Our Automation Guide.

Another solution to talent shortages (and a way to free up internal capacity) is leveraging automation technology.

Manual and routine processes can easily be automated, allowing work to get done faster, more consistently, and with great accuracy.

One particular area to make use of automation is alternative investment statement processing.

As family offices in Hong Kong invest in alternative asset classes like private equity and venture capital, they can surely benefit from streamlining the processes.

Outsourcing providers like Empaxis also implement these automated workflows.

Hong Kong Family Offices Have Opportunities and Options

In light of the competition, Hong Kong still enjoys a position of prominence as a major financial center.

Fully reopened, the Chinese territory seeks to regain lost footing as Asia's leading financial hub, taking new measures to attract family offices to the city.

Tax incentives, a favorable regulatory environment, and access to a broad range of investment classes and opportunities are some of the reasons family offices or remain or relocate to Hong Kong.

Just as more family offices set up, they will require services to support them (investing, accounting, taxes, IT, compliance, operations, etc.), but with the growth of family offices in the region, there isn't enough talent to serve them.

For those reasons, outsourcing, automating, and integrating systems are increasingly popular ways to work around labor shortages, completing workflows in a time- and cost-efficient manner.

Indeed, family offices in Hong Kong have a lot going for them and can do a lot more with a reliable partner like Empaxis supporting their middle and back office and digitally transforming their workflows.

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