EDIT: A Solution to Asset Management Challenges in Operations

Asset managers that go through EDIT will get a comprehensive and thorough analysis of their operation, a review unlike any other carried out by a typical consulting firm.

The challenges in asset management are many, and the challenges are not just about investment strategies.

Operations is the backbone to every investment firm. An inefficient middle and back office will create headaches for the entire organization.

That's precisely why we created the Empaxis Digital Intelligent Transformation (EDIT) process. EDIT is all about delivering concrete, actionable steps for an investment firm to make their operation most efficient.

And it's not the typical asset management consulting approach for operations.

Unlike the big-name investment consultancy firms that give a list of software to choose from and then send you on your way, Empaxis takes the time to go more in depth. providing a more meaningful solution. Our approach takes a close look at people, processes, and technology.

See how one asset manager benefited from EDIT with Empaxis.

A Firm Dealing With Asset Management Challenges in Need of an Operational Solution

An asset manager in the Seattle area with roughly $500 million in AUM was heavily reliant on Excel for their data and reporting needs. Additionally, their billing processes were incredibly time-consuming and laborious.

And when it comes to generating reports, their current systems were difficult to work with. The billing platform in particular could not properly account for the multiple exceptions and definitions that are commonplace for many asset and wealth managers.

The asset management firm has been growing, and with so much on their plate, they knew the current path was unsustainable.

The team knew there had to be a better way for their operation, but they weren't sure what it was.

And guessing and experimenting with new systems would be a costly exercise.

How EDIT Helped the Asset Manager Determine a Better Operational Approach

As mentioned above, the EDIT process is all about delivering concrete, actionable steps for real improvement in operations.

With EDIT, the asset management firm met with Empaxis team members who have years of experience exclusively in investment operations.

Within a week, the firm walked through every facet of their operation, and from those exchanges, Empaxis got an intimate understanding of their entire setup.

A few days after the consultation, our team shared a detailed analysis. Here is what the report provided:

  • Identify areas of inefficiency, point out specific workflows that can be streamlined and automated.
  • Show how to move workflows out of Excel to other platforms and how to leverage technology and people more
  • Show effective ways to handle billing exceptions and definitions within the existing platform.
  • Develop efficient workarounds for processes that most off-the-shelf financial technology platforms cannot handle
  • Build documentation for the recommended and revised operational workflows

Benefits for the asset manager

1. They received true expertise

The solutions for investment firms are about as real and practical as it gets.

These aren’t just a bunch of fresh college graduates at a big consulting firm handing you a list of software replacements for you to figure out yourself.

Going through EDIT, the asset management firm spoke with investment operations consulting experts who have 20+ years experience in the industry.

They are focused on leveraging technology to the fullest and helping you run an operation for the future.

2. Empaxis can implement the solutions for them

Empaxis goes a step further than the typical consultants.

Not only do we lay out all the steps to achieve maximum operational efficiency, we are also capable and ready to implement the very solutions.

We’ve helped hundreds of asset and wealth managers with often similar challenges. Everything in EDIT is based on the experiences working with those firms and approaches that deliver results.

While the asset manager is free to act on the advice from EDIT, should they decide at any time they’d rather have a back-office outsourcing expert like Empaxis do it for them, they can.

3. The firm avoided paying exorbitant sums for an unproven solution

Another component of asset management challenges is financial.

As mentioned above, the firm didn’t want to waste money testing and guessing what might or might not work.

For a small yet impactful investment, the EDIT process allowed them to determine what does work, backed by back-office outsourcing experts in the investment industry.

EDIT also helped the firm avoid wasteful spending and save in the long run. With a clear vision for their operation, the asset management firm knows where to deploy resources.

Asset Management Operations Improvement a Reality; Real Solutions to Real Problems

Asset management challenges are challenging enough with investing and managing firm finances, but an inefficient operation only adds to the burden.

And the Seattle firm knew their approach was unsustainable. To manage their growth, they couldn’t afford to be so Excel-heavy and allow billing processes to take so long.

Needless to say, they made the right choice going through EDIT.

They received practical, tried-and-true solutions to the problems they faced, with a clear roadmap laid out for them.

And this is just one example of an asset manager, but the same benefits apply to wealth managers, family offices, hedge funds, and banks and financial institutions, all of whom Empaxis serves.

Does your firm have its own operational struggles? Could it benefit from a thorough review and analysis? Seek the consultative expertise from investment operations specialists at Empaxis who have proven solutions waiting for you.

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