Accelerating Digital Transformation: How Empaxis Streamlines Cloud Migrations for Asset Managers & Software Companies

In a rapidly changing investment management industry, staying competitive requires the embracing and accelerating of digital transformation, as well as a qualified and capable partner at your side.

Despite the known benefits of digital, cloud-based solutions, many asset managers - and businesses at large - haven’t fully adopted the newest technology.

According to a survey from Deloitte, 57% of businesses say lack of business agility is a problem with legacy systems. Additionally, Milestone Group found that most asset owners still rely on legacy systems, and the majority of global institutional investors don’t have the technological ability to adopt sophisticated investment strategies.

With these points in mind, cloud-native platforms offer a compelling solution, but successful migrations and seamless implementation require specialized expertise.

And it is expertise that comes from leading providers of managed services for the asset management industry, like Empaxis.

Our experience in facilitating successful cloud migrations and ongoing MBO support allows us to accelerate that digital transformation processes for both asset managers, as well as software companies.

The Case for Cloud-Based Asset Management

Consider the range of benefits that a modern, cloud-native platforms bring:

Enhanced Efficiency & Automation

Streamlined workflows, reduced manual touchpoints, and real-time data access significantly improve operational efficiency.

Scalability & Agility

Cloud infrastructure allows firms to scale computing power and storage in line with business growth, supporting innovation, and future-proofing their technology stack.

Improved Integration

Cloud-based microservices architectures enable seamless integration of OMS/PMS, risk analytics, and other critical functions within a unified platform, breaking down data silos and streamlining operations.

Advanced Technologies

Cloud platforms provide access to innovative technologies such as generative AI, empowering asset managers to make better-informed decisions and drive competitive advantage.

Empaxis: Experts in Accelerating Digital Transformation, Migration & Managed Services

With our two decades of experience, Empaxis delivers a unique value proposition to both asset managers and software companies by combining platform-agnostic migration services and comprehensive MBO support:

Cloud Data Migration

  • Meticulous data assessment and planning for a smooth transition.
  • Transformation of legacy data to align with the target cloud-native structure
  • Rigorous quality control and validation to ensure data integrity
  • Adherence to strict data security and governance protocols throughout.

Project Management Excellence

  • Clear communication and collaboration between software company, client, and Empaxis
  • Proactive risk management and mitigation strategies
  • Change management support to facilitate user adoption and minimize disruption.

Post-Migration MBO Services

  • Process optimization and automation tailored to the new platform
  • Data management, reconciliation, and reporting to maintain data accuracy
  • Technology integration to create a unified MBO experience.

Benefits for Software Companies

Software companies, especially those specializing in asset management solutions, can significantly benefit from partnering with Empaxis:

Accelerated Client Onboarding

Empaxis' expertise reduces implementation risks and speeds up migrations, leading to faster adoption of your platform.

Increased Customer Satisfaction

Successful migrations and seamless MBO support lead to satisfied clients, boosting trust and loyalty towards your software.

Scalable Support Model

Empaxis allows you to efficiently scale support for your growing client base, enabling you to focus on core product innovation.

Embrace Digital. Embrace the Cloud.

Migrating to a cloud-native platform is a key step in an asset manager's digital transformation journey. Empaxis, with its proven track record in data migration, project management, and middle- and back-office outsourcing services, makes for an ideal partner to ensure smooth transitions and ongoing operational success.  

For software providers, partnering with Empaxis delivers faster client onboarding, improved customer satisfaction, and the scalability to accommodate growth.  

Are you an asset manager looking to future-proof your operations with a cloud migration? Or a software company seeking to streamline client implementations? Contact Empaxis and learn how to accelerate your digital transformation.

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